Tag Archives: Anxiety Attacks

Managing Mild Anxiety Attacks

Manage Mild Anxiety Attacks

By the time we reach adulthood, we’ve most likely experienced a panic attack or anxiety attack. Lots of things can trigger mild anxiety; public speaking, worries over a test or work project or concern over a friend or family member’s health or well-being. Just like our tolerance for certain foods, our tolerance for stress is different based on our blood type and yet, even among … Continue reading Managing Mild Anxiety Attacks »

Depression, Stress and Your Blood Type

Battling Stress & Depression with The Blood Type Diet

Dr. Ginger Nash is a naturopathic physician who worked with Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo at the Center of Excellence in Generative Medicine. We are fortunate to have her insight into the connection between blood type and stress and depression. Q: Are individuals of certain blood types more susceptible to different types of depression or anxiety? What causes this? A: One’s blood type can certainly predispose … Continue reading Depression, Stress and Your Blood Type »